Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Keelty's Losing It!!!!!

Mick Keelty earlier today:

'"For all that's been said about the SIM card, the SIM card is still in the vicinity of London at the time that the devices were attempted to be exploded,"

"The SIM card is still at Glasgow, at the airport at the time that the attempted bombing happened there. There's been a lot of focus on exactly where the SIM card was, as I've said, in these sorts of investigations, information changes very quickly, there's a high volume of information to be got through very quickly. "

What!? In two places at once! And not one of those places is where Scotland Yard said they found it. A spokesman later clarified:

'"The SIM card was considered significant in the UK investigation and was identified as being in contact with individuals alleged to have been involved in both the London and Glasgow attack."'

So what!? Don't we already know all this?

It just demonstrates how desperate everyone is to paint Haneef as guilty, of anything at all. This whole episode is becoming hilarious!